Saturday 2 January 2010

We need Action President Obama

In November 10 2008 I wrote on The Boston Globe ( saying "Now the US presidential election is over. It needs to be pointed out that the USA has brought down all barriers of racism and elected an African American to the highest office in the Land. The work of rebuiling an ailing economy and briging bridges across the Atlantic should begin as quickly as possible. We know that there are some Old statesmen who would like to lead Obama in this transformational--they must back off and allow Obama to implement his poilicies--he has a vision for this planet and his judgement is profoundly good. The Republicans were beaten, but it is not over yet as they are now ploting to retake the Whitehouse in the next Presidential election"

President Obama passed the 100 days in the White House without any major political issues and/or blunders compared to blunderous former President GW Bush. However, it has not been rose in recent months.  Firstly oponents and admirers justfiably accused him of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize without accomplishing any peace deals within the World stage.
Secondly, Republicans are seething that the Obama administration approved a VISA to the failed Delta airline bomber. What is interesting in this scenario is that the US Ssecurity services were worned in advance about the threats posed by the failed bomber, but failed to take appropriate security measures.

The Republicans were beaten, but they were not knocked out. They are gathering enough misiles to defeat Democrats--they are not going to easily win against the Obama philosophy and the Democratic Party atytack machine.

Watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. Obam will will weather the stom as usual--this is just a storm in a cup of tea.
